Monday, June 15, 2020
IC Foligno 5, Belfiore-Colfiorito, Italy
We decided to propose our italian 'special' hero... We preserve him in our heart because of 1) his humility 2) his passion for his job 3) the great heart and courage During the Second World War, he performed services for the Jewish community. Being a cyclist, he secretely took documents from Florence to Assisi (here in Umbria) and viceversa, pretending to make exercise with the bike, following the paths on the mountains (to avoid nazist guards). He hid documents and papers in the barrel. He was subjected to many inspections and once he was captured and imprisoned for few days. But fortunately he succeded in being released. After his death, the Jewish community officially recognized his precious help. But during his life, he never demanded the right value for his contribution. He saved the life to many people.
Special lives of 4 historical characters
The first two (Jonas Salk, the one who invented polyomelites vaccine distributing it to all people with no lucrative intents and Hellen Keller, whose life changed because of meningites) deal with viruses and we made combined class lesson with the Science prof. We chose one doctor and one diseased person, both DEEPLY INSPIRING FOR WHAT THEY DID WITH THEIR LIVES. Students asked for more lessons like this! We chose to use videos to improve listening. The second couple (Amelia Earhart - first woman on a transoceanic flight, and Henry Ford, who invented the first car engine as we know it) is connected with the new inventions and technologies of the 20th century.
Scoala Gimnaziala Nr.1 Mogosoaia, Romania
Nadia Elena Comăneci (born November 12, 1961, Onești, Romania) is a Romanian gymnast, the first gymnast in the world to receive the top ten in an Olympic gymnastics competition. She is the winner of five Olympic gold medals. It is considered to be one of the best sportsmen of the twentieth century and one of the best gymnasts in the world, for all time, "Goddess of Montreal", the first gymnast of the modern era who took 10 absolutely. He is the first Romanian athlete included in the International Gymnastics Hall of Fame memorial.

Mihai Eminescu was a Romanian poet, prose writer and journalist, considered by Romanian
readers and posthumous literary criticism as the most important poetic voice in Romanian literature. Born: January 15, 1850, Botosani Died: June 15, 1889, Bucharest Debut opera: poetry "At the tomb of Aron Punchul" Significant works: The Luceafărul virgines Birth name: Mihail Eminovici Education: Humboldt University (1872-1874), University of Vienna (1869-1872) The poetic work of Mihai Eminescu. Beside the volumes comprising translations from foreign languages, plays, beletristic essays, the editions with lyrics (anthems and posthumous) have an important role. The poems were published in the magazine "Familia".
Constantin Brâncuși (born February 19, 1876, Hobița, Peștișani, Gorj, Romania - d. March 16, 1957, Paris, France) was a Romanian sculptor with overwhelming contributions to the renewal of plastic language and vision in contemporary sculpture. Constantin Brâncuși was elected posthumous member of the Romanian Academy. The French and Americans often designate it only by their last name, which I write without diacritical signs, Brancusi, pronouncing it according to the rules of pronunciation of the French language.
Burhaniye Anatolian High School. Turkey
I want to share a humble person that I was very impressed with when I watched it. Nicholas Winton is one of the unforgettable heroes in history. The fact that it has not been forgotten reveals how important it is in people's lives.

She born in 1902 in Kadıköy İstanbul.She is the first female theater actress.Afife played "Emel" in Hüseyin Suat's "Yamalar" play.Then she took "Jale" nickname.That terms women weren't take to the stage because it was forbidden for women.But in 1923 MUSTAFA KEMAL ATAÜRK lifted that ban and she took the stage freedly.Unfortunately she died 39 years old.She is the hope for the Turkish female theater actress and Afife Jale is the hero of free theater.
Bafra Science High School, Turkey
Cars of the Revolution
I want to mention a team as a whole. The team is the one who engeneered and designed from scratch the first ever automobile in Turkey, Cars of Devrim. The enterprise supported by Cemal GÜRSEL, president of Turkish Republic. However there were too many people including the society believing the enterprise wouldn't be accomplished and exporting was better instead of wasting money. Despite of problems, disappointments, failures, dearth of money they fortunately succeeded to produce first ever automobile designed and engeneered from scratch in Turkey. There is also a film in the name of Cars of the Revolution showing efforts and solidarity of the engineers. I appreciate their ambition. As the most important one I am proud of the team.

She is the first women ruler in the world history and she is a turkish woman she was a very intelligent and powerful ruler.
Mehmed II

One of the greatest and the deepest poets of the Turkish folk literature. Yunus Emre is a great poet who managed to turn the Anatolian dialect into a language of literature and who succeeded in reciting poetry and chanting hymns in pure Turkish.
Nene Hatun
She was born in 1857 in the town of Çeperler in the Pasinler district of Erzurum. During the War of Independence, Nene Hatun, who was in Erzurum, worked for the struggle of motherland by leaving her young child, who is 3 years old at home, in order to defend the Aziziye bastion here. She was about 20 years old. At the age of 98, he died of pneumonia and was buried in the saint's bastion he had struggled with. Nene Hatun passed away in 1955 and a few months before her death, she was chosen as the heroic Turkish mother of the year. The statue of this heroic Turkish woman is in the footprint of the saint in Erzurum. The heroic Turkish woman Nene Hatun is one of the most important symbols of the War of Independence.
Sabiha Gökçen was born on March 22, 1913 in Bursa as the sixth child of Mr. Mustafa İzzet and Mrs. Hayriye. After the death of parents, Atatürk adopted her when he visited Bursa in 1925 and gave her the surname of “Gökçen”. Gökçen was sent to Crimea, Russia along with 7 male students and completed her education of gliding. She enrolled in Eskişehir Military Aviation School in 1936 and assumed the title of “The First Female Combat Pilot” by successfully completing her duties with fighter and bomber airplanes. In 1937, she was awarded with “9 number Jeweled Medal” of the Turkish Aeronautical Association as she is the first female pilot of the association. Having been chosen as one of the 20 aviators who put their stamps on world aviation history in the Eagles Meeting held in America in 1996, Sabiha Gökçen was the first female aviator to be awarded this prize. Sabiha Gökçen died at the age of 88 on March 22, 2001. Sabiha Gökçen is a source of inspiration for all female pilots in the world.
His real name is Seyit Ali Çabuk. Seyit Onbaşı was born in September, 1889, in the village of Çamlık (Manastır) in Havran district of Balıkesir. His father's name is Abdurrahman, and his mother's name is Emine. He joined the Ottoman Army in 1909 and took part in the Balkan War. With the start of the First World War, he started to work as a gunner in Çanakkale Front. On March 18, 1915, the Allied fleet attacked to cross the Dardanelles. Meanwhile, Seyit Onbaşı was on the Rumeli Mecidiye Bastion. The intense counter fire of the Turkish artillery and the mines previously laid by the Nusret mine ship were enough to repel this attack. As a result of the shots made by the enemy, the bullet that lifted the bullet of the ball on the bastion was smashed. Thereupon, Seyit Ali backed the bullets weighing 215 kilograms and placed them in the gun stock. Seyit Ali dealt slight damage to Ocean in the first two shots, while in the third shot he did great damage to the English battleship Ocean. The thrown bullet caused the ship to lie on its side. Ocean battleship, which then hit one of the mines laid by the Nusret mine ship, soon capsized and sank. As a result of this success, Seyit Ali was given the title of corporal. One day after the Çanakkale War, Seyit Onbaşı was asked to take his photo on the back of the cannonball. Seyit Ali could not lift the bullet this time. Seyit Onbaşı said, "Let there be war again, I will raise it again." after that his photo could be taken with a wooden bullet. Returning to his village in 1918, Seyit Ali continued his forestry and coal works. With the Surname Law enacted in 1934, it quickly got the surname. seyit Onbaşı died in 1939 due to tuberculosis.
Secondary School of Vanashen, Armenia
King of Greater Armenia Artashes I

Movses Khorenatsi
Movses Khorenatsi (ca. 410–490s AD) was a prominent Armenian historian from the period of Late Antiquity and the author of the History of Armenia. Khorenatsi is credited with the earliest known historiographical work on the history of Armenia written in Armenian, but was also a poet, or hymn writer, and a grammarian. The History of Armenia was written at the behest of Prince Sahak of the Bagratuni dynasty and has had an enormous impact on Armenian historiography. It was used and quoted extensively by later medieval Armenian authors. Although other Armenians such as Agathangelos had previously written histories on Armenia, Movses' work holds particular significance because it contains unique material on the old oral traditions in Armenia before its conversion to Christianity and, more importantly, traces Armenian history from Movses' day back to its origins. Khorenatsi is considered to be the "father of Armenian history", and is sometimes referred to as the "Armenian Herodotus". Khorenatsi's work became the first attempt of a universal history of Armenia. Movses identified himself as a young disciple of Mesrop Mashtots, inventor of the Armenian alphabet, and is recognized by the Armenian Apostolic Church as one of the Holy Translators.

During the early years of Armenia's long existence as a nation, the people were ruled by kings. But history for the most part has been silent about the women who sat on the throne as consorts to the kings. There were queens of the Armenians who were engaged in the affairs of the country and ruled the nation as well as their husbands. The wife of the first sovereign/King Aram, then Queen Margarita, who ruled with King Levon VI Lusignan until the fall of the last Armenian dynasty in 1375, Queen Parandzem, who murdered her rival for the king's affection but heroically defended her nation; the beloved Queen Katranide, who served as patroness for some of the masterpieces of medieval Armenian architecture; and young Queen Zabel, who ruled in her own right and attracted the attention of an assortment of suitors, all these women were patriots and devoted their lives to the prosperity of their country.
Shavarash Karapetyan was a 17-time world champion finswimmer in Armenia during the Soviet Union’s existence. Despite his success as an athlete, he is best known for his incredible heroism. On a September day in 1976, while training, Karapetyan heard a trolley bus skid off the road and land in frigid Lake Yerevan. As the bus sank, Karapetyan stripped off his clothes and jumped into the lake. As it hit bottom, he broke the windows of the bus and started to pull people out, one by one. In about 20 minutes, he pulled out over 30 passengers, although only 20 survived; some were already dead by the time he got to them. As a result of his selfless actions he contracted pneumonia, and when the broken glass-induced gashes on his legs became infected, he developed sepsis. He was hospitalized for weeks and was in serious condition, but eventually recovered. His doctor said the only reason he survived was because he was in such prime physical shape due to his training. Karapetyan’s injuries did not allow him to continue his career as an athlete and he had to leave sports. Years later, while walking in a neighborhood he came by a burning building and, again without hesitation, ran in and saved people inside. He was again injured and hospitalized.
Hayk Nahapet is considered to be our forefather and the name of our nation and country is considered to have originated from his name. It is connected with our famous saga according to which many tribes leave the violence of the Assyrian giant Bell and among them, there were our people too headed by his forefather Hayk. He comes to a high, cool and well-watered country and settles there. Bell sends a message to Hayk and tells him that he has gone to settle in those cold highlands in vain, and advises him to come back. Hayk gives the delegate a strict answer and makes him go back to Babylon. Getting angry from Hayk’s answer, he comes with a great army. Near Lake Van, the opponents meet each other and Hayk fights against Bell. Skillful archer Hayk rolls Bell down with a single strike and scatters his army. After that, Hayk permanently settles down in that plateau. The people were named in the name of Hayk and the country was named in the name of the people. This story has reached us due to Moses of Chorene.
Sergei Parajanov was a Soviet film director and artist of Armenian descent who made significant contributions to Soviet cinematography through Ukrainian, Georgian, and Armenian cinema. He invented his own cinematic style, which was totally out of step with the guiding principles of socialist realism (the only sanctioned art style in the USSR). This, combined with his controversial lifestyle and behaviour, led Soviet authorities to repeatedly persecute and imprison him, and suppress his films.Sergey Paradjanov was the author of several film-masterpieces which brought him world praise: "Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors" (1964), "The Colour of Pomegranates" or "Sayat-Nova" (1969), "The Legend of Suram Fortress" (1985) and "Ashik-Kerib" (1988). Parajanov’s contribution to the art of cinema is first and foremost his original poetic film-language, highly valued by his contemporaries. His aesthetic system also includes plastic art, based on traditions of Armenian, Eastern and European art.
Sunday, June 14, 2020
Scoala Gimnaziala Nr.1 Mogosoaia, Romania
Sergiu Florin Nicolaescu
Sergiu Florin Nicolaescu (b. April 13, 1930, Târgu Jiu, Romania - d. January 3, 2013, Bucharest, Romania) was a director, screenwriter, actor and, after 1989, Romanian politician. It is by far the most prolific and most watched Romanian director of all time: 54 films, plus 27 co-productions and over 1 billion viewers (mostly from China and Russia, but also 130 million viewers from Romania). Throughout his career, he has tackled a wide range of themes and genres (including topical film, television series, comedy, psychological drama, biographical film), but his certain vocation is proving to be the overproduction of historical inspiration and action film. . According to the number of films made (over 50 feature films), Sergiu Nicolaescu is by far the most prolific director in the domestic cinema, at the same time being at the level of the most active filmmakers internationally.
Gheorghe Hagi
Gheorghe Hagi (born February 5, 1965, Săcele, Dobrogea, Romania) is a former Romanian footballer, considered one of the best offensive midfielders in Europe in the '80s and' 90s and the greatest Romanian footballer in all times. Galatasaray's fans called him "Comandante" (the Commander) and the Romanians called him "King". Nicknamed "Maradona from the Carpathians", Hagi is considered a hero in Romania. He has been named the Romanian footballer of the year seven times, and is regarded as one of the best footballers of his generation. As an advanced game builder, he has been recognized for dribbling, technique, vision, passing and completion. Hagi played for the Romanian national team at three world championships in 1990, 1994 (where he was named in the World Cup All-Star Team) and 1998, as well as in three European championships in 1984, 1996 and 2000. He had 125 appearances for Romania , second after Dorinel Munteanu, and is in the first position of the scorers (next to Adrian Mutu) with 35 goals.
Emil Racoviță
Emil Racoviță (b. November 15, 1868, Iași, Romania - d. November 17, 1947, Cluj, Kingdom of Romania) was a Romanian scientist, explorer, speleologist and biologist, considered the founder of biospeology (the study of underground fauna). - caves and watercourses). He was elected academician in 1920 and was president of the Romanian Academy from 1926 to 1929. At the age of only 25, he is elected a member of the Zoological Society of France. It is recommended (1897) to participate as a naturalist of the Belgian Antarctic Expedition (1897-1899) aboard the Belgian ship, led by Adrien de Gerlache. This expedition, which starts in Antwerp in August 1897 [5], was international in character, alongside the Belgians, with Norwegian Roald Amundsen as second officer, American physician Frederick Cook, Polish meteorologist Antoine Dobrowolski and geologist Henryk Arctowski. On the occasion of the stops made in Chile and on the shores of the Strait of Magellan, they carry out complex research on flora and fauna. Near the Palmer Country of Antarctica, the expeditioners discover a strait that received the name of the ship "Belgica" and a few islands (one named by Racoviță Cobalcescu island). The expedition also writes on the still incomplete map of Antarctica and the island of Wiencke and Danco Country, after the names of the two members of the expedition who lost on this trip.
Secondary School of Vanashen, Armenia
Leonid Roshal
In 1996 mass media entitled doctor Roshal “Child Doctor of the World”. Medics of international emergency team, established by Leonid Roshal, are ready to help children, who got into trouble in any part of our planet. The crew keeps almost the same since the team’s “birth” in 1988, when a devastating earthquake destroyed Armenian city of Spitak. Since that time the team visited sites of natural disasters, technogenic catastrophes and military activities for over 20 times. Doctors saved lives, when a train crashed near Ufa and when a plant exploded in Ust-Kamenogorsk. Roshal and his team went to combat zones in Romania, Yugoslavia, Abkhazia, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan, Israel and Chechnya; to earthquake sites in Egypt, Japan, Georgia and Sakhalin; California, India, Afghanistan and Turkey. On May 9, 2002, team of doctor Roshal arrived to Kaspiysk, where many children were injured during a terrorist attack, several hours after the explosion. Medics saved 27 wounded children. When a tragedy happened during the “Nord-Ost” musical, Leonid Roshal was the one, who managed to enter the building, occupied with terrorists, and negotiated with criminal on releasing hostages. The doctor took eight children out of the occupied music hall, brought pharmaceuticals to those, who remained inside, and helped injured and sick people. Courage and total dedication of Leonid Roshal, which he showed during hostage release from Theatre at Dubrovka did not remained unnoticed. November 5, 2002 brought the doctor the “Hero of Nation” prize. Eminent medic is sure that all sick people should get medical help for free.Bill Gates

Harriet Tubman
In 2019 a movie was screened about her and the soundtrack of the film became my favourite song. She suffered a lot but eventually she reached her goal. Harriet Tubman escaped slavery to become a leading abolitionist. She led hundreds of enslaved people to freedom along the route of the Underground Railroad. Born into slavery in Maryland, Harriet Tubman escaped to freedom in the North in 1849 to become the most famous "conductor" on the Underground Railroad. Tubman risked her life to lead hundreds of family members and other slaves from the plantation system to freedom on this elaborate secret network of safe houses. A leading abolitionist before the American Civil War, Tubman also helped the Union Army during the war, working as a spy among other roles. After the Civil War ended, Tubman dedicated her life to helping impoverished former slaves and the elderly.
Viktoria Aslanyan
She is an owner of wine making factory and products of their factory are demanded and of good quality. She is an example of hard working, successful woman for me.
Ashkhen Hovakimyan
Hovakimian discovered her passion for horticulture and botany while growing up in a family that had a deep appreciation for these pursuits: her father was a board member of the Singapore Botanic Gardens and her mother was an avid gardener. Her family would regularly participate in the Singapore Flower Show, where many family members, including Ashkhen, would win

Ashkhen Hovakimian, also known as Agnes Joaquim, was born in an Armenian family in Singapore in the mid-1800s. She became a prominent horticulturist during her lifetime and successfully created the flower that would eventually become Singapore’s national flower.
In 1893, Hovakimian brought a plant she had created to the Вirector of Singapore’s Botanic Gardens, Henry Ridley. The Vanda “Miss Joaquim” was a cross between Burmese and Malay orchids, making it one of the first hybrid orchids ever — and the first one created by a woman anywhere in the world.
Alenush Teryan
Alenush Terian was the first astrophysics professor in Iran. She was born in Tehran on November 9, 1920. Her Father translated parts of Shahnameh (a masterpiece by Iran’s great poet, Ferdowsi) into Armenian language. Her mother graduated in literature from Switzerland. Alenush Terian went to the Armenian elementary school and the Zoroastrians’ high school in Isfahan. She graduated in 1947 from Tehran University, where she was employed and put in charge of laboratory operations of the School of Sciences. Then she applied for scholarship, but her professor did not approve her request because she was a woman. So she went to France at her family’s expense and continued her education at Sorbonne University. She received her PhD in 1956. Ms. Terian was offered to teach at Sorbonne as a professor, but she preferred to go back to Iran to serve her own people. She was appointed as an associate professor of thermodynamics at Tehran University. She became a professor in 1964. In 1966, she became a member of Tehran University’s Geophysics Faculty and played a significant role in founding the first solar physics observatory in Iran. In 1969, Ms. Terian was tasked with leading the solar physics research group at Tehran University’s Institute of Geophysics. Alenush Terian was the first person to teach astrophysics in Iran. She was fluent in French, Persian and Armenian, and also knew Turkish and English.
Joanne K Rowling

Saturday, June 13, 2020
Burhaniye Anatolian High School, Turkey
Sculpture is the art of representing living things or objects with various materials such as metal and wood.Sculpture is the art of creating three demensional form.Thiswork is done with special techniques such as cutting,shaping,molding.The formats obtained are also of different types. Reliefs make unevenness on flat surface:they are called low relief or high relief,depending on whether they make more or less protrusions.Also there are sculptures that are fully carved,that is,standing on a pedestal. The first sculptures appeared between 35,000 and 8,000 BC,and women and animals were carved into stone,ivory,bone,or clay,with or without surface remol.The oldest examples of sculpture art have been found in countries on the Mediterranean coast.
Scoala Gimnaziala Nr.1 Mogosoaia, Romania
Easter Eggs
Easter Eggs Eggs set for Easter - an ancient Romanian tradition. In the Romanian folk tradition, Easter eggs are considered a symbol of regeneration and purification, which protects the animals in the household. Egg laying is practiced exclusively by women, one week before Easter, usually on "green Thursday" and "dry Friday" in the belief that they do not break. The reasons for the ornamentation of the laid eggs differ according to the locality that is presented in several variants. At present, several colors are used to set the eggs, each of them having a certain symbol, namely: white is a symbol of purity, red signifies life (the color of blood), blue is the color of heaven and water, and black represents fertility, yellow represents sun and gold, but the lines painted on the eggs symbolize eternity. Eggs, in the past, were painted in vegetable colors, but today the synthetic, chemical ones are used more often..
Friday, June 12, 2020
Secondary School of Vanashen, Armenia
Painting of Ivan Aivazovski are wonderful. They show the beauty of the nature and the sea.
He created compositions depicting Armenian rural environment, landscapes, portraits and still lifes. He was also the artist of twenty unique frescoes. Roots of his painting went deep into Armenian miniature. The artist proved to be best in painting and graphic art, in fresco painting and scenography.
Ara Alekyan
The giant spider and the bear outside the Moscow Cinema are made entirely of what looked to be recycled metal—bolts, gears, pipes, springs, and other items all welded together. These sculptures were created by the Armenian artist Ara Alekyan. Alekyan sources metal from car repair shops and scrap metal dealers, turning what he calls “material which was considered useless in Armenia” into sculpture. As shown in the short film Born of Fire, Alekyan creates his works by welding together discarded metal pieces, wrapping them in paper, and then setting them on fire, giving the metal a uniform, burnished appearance.
Eduard Ghazaryan
The world renowned Armenian micro miniaturist Eduard Ghazaryan is considered the founder of the unique art of micro miniature. In the 1950s the European press was abuzz about an Armenian man who claimed to create tiny works of art smaller than the eye of a needle. One German newspaper reader had his doubts and sent a letter of disbelief to the artist. Weeks later came the reply, hand-written on a human hair. Eduard Ghazaryan has exposed his first invisible by the naked eye micro miniature works in Yerevan more than half a century ago. He created over 600 of such miniatures. Edward is a man of many phenomenal talents. Born in Yerevan he has received higher musical education and for many years was one of the leading musicians of the Philharmonic orchestra of Armenia. In addition to his micro-art and musical talents, Edward is an eminent violinist innovator, talented musical sculptor and an excellent caricaturist.

The Megerian Family
The Megerian Family has been involved in selling, restoration, and production of fine oriental rugs for over four generations. Originally from Armenia, the Megarians established their rug trade business in the United States in 1917, and quickly developed an expertise in rug repairing and restoration.Over time, they began to realize the growing demand for different trends and subtle design changes, and took their well honed skills to the loom to create their own decorative rugs. Megerian Oriental Rug family specialists in new and antique oriental rug sales and production. The Megerian Brother's tradition and integrity in the fine craft of hand made rug making, and restoration of rugs and tapestries is world renown. The Megerian Oriental Rug family has been the benchmark producer of New York City's hand made rugs and tapestries.
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